Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pardon the poo talk

I could post numerous stories about the kids and going number two, the things that they say in public and around the house everyday, numerous! But I don't, why? Cause it's gross and weird and well it's not very cute. The following is a true back and forth between me and Lincoln tonight and proves why I don't and maybe why I should more...sometimes my kids are so strange!

L:'The poop is kind of like a raincloud to me, like a slimy raincloud'
Me:Blank out to the computer to write down exactly what he said so I don't forget or change it in my mind and return to him into the bathroom. "So what do you mean Lincoln?"
L:'Oh just that some poop is like the raincloud and some is like the little slimy raindrops'
Me: "Huh"

The end

1 comment:

Sarah said...

LOL! Okay. So sometimes poo talk is really funny.