Friday, January 14, 2011


There goes my husband into his thirties! Crazy. I've known this handsome guy for nine of those thirty years and only really well for the last seven but who's counting? I look forward to the day the scales tip and I've known him for more than half his life. But this I'm sure of, he's my favorite person! We had a fun day, birthday boy had to work but his meetings he'd been in were around our neighborhood and ended right around lunch. So for the first time in a long while we got to spend a workday lunch together...that was probably my favorite part of the day, I just love him. Then we picked him up from work at the end of the day since we only have one car, headed out for pizza (something he'd been wanting for a while) and then home for a scavenger hunt of cards from the kids and Grandma Kari that ended with caramel corn they made specially for daddy. I don't know who was funnier to watch through the hunt, Jer or Payden! That girl loves surprises and couldn't contain her constant was perfect. And then we all enjoyed some Red Velvet (Jer's favorite) Cake Balls!

I thought I would compile a list of thirty things I love about my husband, in no particular order.
So pardon my gushing.
1. His love for the Lord
2. How he enjoys the pool/all things sunny
3. His smile
4. That deep from within belly laugh he gets that's super contagious, it doesn't show up constantly but when it does you can't help but laugh with him and then you don't know if you're laughing at what was initially funny, or his laugh.
5. His care for our kids
6. His loyalty
7. His leadership in all areas -I could break this down to so many categories but that would take up reasons!
8. His rear! What? I do!
9. His storytelling
10. How when he's focused on something he's working on the tip of his tongue sticks out
11. His penmanship
12. The way he looks at me
13. His attention to details
14. His romanticality :)
15. His cleanliness (even though I lack in that area often)
16. His mild OCD tendencies
17. His appreciation for food
18. His love for a good deal
19. How he thinks I'm funny
20. His hugs -he gives the best hugs
21. His love for his family
22. His gift of financial organization
23. His creativity
24. His constant G207, okay this might fit in slight OCD tendencies but whatever
25. His enjoyment of the Discovery and History channels even though I don't particularly love them myself
26. How he loves Disneyland as much as I do!
27. How he paces when he's on the phone, or has to go to the bathroom
28. That he's gifted in decorating
29. How he cares for people that are hurting
30. His passion for speaking the gospel to people.

That is far from an exhaustive list and I don't want to go over it too much because then I'll get overwhelmed at what I want to include instead of the things that came to mind. So there you have it. Happy Birthday to my wonderful Jeremy John!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love this! What an incredible and loving blog! Love you, my friend!