Friday, December 31, 2010


Winter Youth is over and after big events that Jer leads he usually has a 'I need to be doing something' complex when we get home. So when we found out there was a Duck rally last night I thought, perfect. Low key, engaging, something to do! So we bundled our adorable kids up in their Duck gear and headed out. It was cold. We only lasted there about an hour, just long enough to enter to win tickets to the game (which we didn't win), walk around, play on the freezing play structure and then head over to Panda Express for dinner. When dinner was over the kids wanted a story and of course daddy is the best storyteller around so he obliged. After going around the table to see what each kid wanted to be in the story we had a princess a dinosaur and another princess...shocking I know. Their eyes while they imagine the picture daddy is painting with his words is priceless. And of course I caught the end of it on video. So here you have it!

A couple of things I love about this video? The way Taylor looks at her daddy,and the way she is constantly tempted by his pop. The twinkle in Lincoln's eye. The way Payden nervously twists her hair. How distracted Hailey is... constantly. And last but certainly not least, my most handsome wonderful husband!

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