Friday, December 31, 2010
They said it in 2010
Lincoln had a meltdown at bedtime, he got scared and felt bad for disobeying today and sat up in his bed 'I'm sorry mom' voice quivering. After our emotional little conversation he goes "I think I needa kiss you mom" melt my heart, so I give him a kiss. Slimy. He says "oh mom I think I needa kiss you for my snot." 'Oh a tissue' "Yeah a kishue". Lovely, I got snot kissed and he wasn't even asking for a kiss.
This morning Lincoln came in and was very complimentary...I was laying in bed and he says "mom I really like your hair, I really like your teeth, and I really like your eyebrows they're so...straight!"
On the train at the zoo Lincoln shouts "this is fantastic"
I hear a scream from Hailey and ask Lincoln "what did you just do to her?" 'Oh I think I'm going to tell the truth this time (big adorable smile), I put my foot on her, it's kind of like pinching, but it's different. It's still disobeying, I'm going to say sorry now'
Payden upon having Honey Nut Cheerios for the first time said "those are really yummy Cheerios, I really like really yummy Cheerios"
After Payden left the kitchen for a little while for having a yucky attitude she returned saying "I'm want to be done being whiny and rude". Me, 'Okay'. Lincoln quickly, obviously not listening "ME TOO, I want whiny and rude too" It took Payden explaining it three times before he realized that they weren't eating whiny and rude she was just done acting that way. Everyone was hungry.
Lincoln to the car dealership guy "Do you know who God is? He is our Saviour!"
On our way to camp for the day and we picked up doughnuts, Lincoln yells out "I'm ready for my sugar mom!" At least he's not disillusioned to what he's eating.
Hailey ran over to me and said "your kids are running, can you stop them?"
Payden "my husband is going to have two more babies and then we will have just makes me want to cry I'm so happy" when I stiffled a giggle she looked at me and said "what? That's what grownups do when they have babies right?"
Lady at the grocery store "oh you have your hands full" and before we were out of earshot Payden says with exasperation 'why do people always say that to us?'
Unexpected things I had to say in one day "Please don't lick your skin" and "Get that binky out of your diaper"
I know if you read these when I first posted them they are a repeat but I honestly forgot about a few of them already. So I'm glad I got them down.
New years resolution...writing down more of the things they say! Hopefully if I can stay on top of this blog thing I will bemore likely to do just that!
A couple of things I love about this video? The way Taylor looks at her daddy,and the way she is constantly tempted by his pop. The twinkle in Lincoln's eye. The way Payden nervously twists her hair. How distracted Hailey is... constantly. And last but certainly not least, my most handsome wonderful husband!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Things I Never Thought I'd Say
We were in the session at Winter Youth with all four of my kids and Joel Winningham. Let's back up a bit...throughout the day the kids have all made buttons, and I didn't realize it until later that Joel and Lincoln were referring to theirs as transformer buttons. Well in the session tonight after a good 10 minutes of sitting in the chairs (Jer wants everyone sitting in the seats this year instead of lingering in the back) I looked over and they were loudly pressing their buttons and saying "transform to dinosaur" cue signature Joel/Lincoln dinosaur noises. So I quickly hop out of my seat trying to shoo them all out of the ballroom into the back hallway...the whole time the boys being dinosaurs and then when we got into the hallway they pushed their buttons and said 'transform to Lincoln' (or Joel) and then a shudder and they was ready to listen. Then I said with an unsuccessful straight face "It is absolutely not okay to transform into a dinosaur in there". Yeah I lost it...discipline fail!

Monday, December 27, 2010
Reset Button

Advent plan...FAIL

Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Messy But Worth It
A glimpse of organized chaos...
I can't get enough of excited Taylor...she is so funny to me lately. And the way Hailey bats her beautiful eyes. And how Payden loves to help and share with everyone. And how Lincoln is grateful for a compliment! I love these kido's and they just crack me up.
The first of many
Who knows how many different programs we will attend as the kids grow up, but this was the first of them all!
The excitement for Payden and Lincoln's Christmas program had been building since pretty much the beginning of the school year. They have been learning their songs at school since day one and as you know they love to put on talent shows so this was very exciting for them. Unfortunately Lincoln got the 24 hour bug that has been going around here and he was sick! Poor guy. When I told him he was going to have to stay home with Grandma Kari and rest he tearfully said 'it's okay mom, Payden said she'd tell me all about the program' broke my heart!
I didn't know how Payden would respond being up in front of an audience because normally she gets anxious or embarrassed when there are people she doesn't know. Well she blew me away. Spot on. She nailed the motions...well most of them. Pretty much lead The Lord's Prayer, her voice was the loudest and quickest pace so everyone was following her. She was simply adorable, and I was so proud!
And now to bombard you with a few video's. She's in the front and center!
I recorded nearly all of it on our video camera but I don't quite know how to get those onto my computer so we're stuck with little clips from my camera.
Changes Everything

So excited to head out with daddy.

Snip, snip

The hardest part of new

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Got it
Fa lalala la lala la la

We came home to a chili dinner and an overflow of treats. The tree was lit and beautiful and the company was even more beautiful and delightful. It was one of those nights you think the kids will remember way back in their somewhat fuzzy memories where they got to stay up late with their friends in pj's and the grown-ups were together and the kids got to play away. One of those nights you wish you could bottle up to save for a rainy day. One of those nights that fills you up for a good long time. Life is so sweet!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Three Years Old -Hailey Ann

Hailey entered this world at 12:37am on December 17th 2007 after a couple days of laboring at home and many hours in the hospital. A successful VBAC after the twins were born by C-section. I was pretty proud of myself and my 9lb 9oz baby girl. She has grown into a fantastic and entertaining intelligent compassionate little girl.
For months Hailey wanted a Cinderella cake and being the obsessive recipe driven crazy person that I am, I decided it would be fun to make it myself. Well many hours later and we came out with a pretty fun cake!

The birthday girl hard at work.

and was very upset when she wasn't allowed to have anymore.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Going back

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Monday, December 6, 2010
The 2010 Tree Hunt