Saturday, March 12, 2011

Field Trip

The kids had their first official field trip a couple weeks ago to the Children's Museum. So we have officially been to the Children's Museum now, I can't believe we'd never visited before. The little girls and I got to go too, it was so much fun. They offer free admission on the first Friday of the month from 4-8 and we went back and enjoyed ourselves along with the Winningham family and Jer got to join us.
Here are some pictures from the field trip...
This is the best picture I got of Taylor all day long
Snack time
Their class
I still can't believe I didn't get a picture of her facing the camera...I kid you not nearly every picture I had from the day she is running away from me or out of the picture...this girl was loving life as a big kid and so focused on all the activities!
Oh wait there's Taylor in the reflection going to town on her makeup!
Pure bliss!
Caped crusaders!
It is safe to say a great time was had by all. The highlight? Painting their own faces for sure. They weren't even tempted when I offered my creative services to turn them into an animal or anything, they fact that they could put all that stage makeup on themselves was pretty much the best thing ever!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love how focused Lincoln is trimming the dogs ear.