What does he say/see? "Hey Hailey you and me we're GO DUCKS!"
He will see random people in a restaurant or grocery store and whisper (when it's not really a whisper, quite loud actually) "Hey mom, there's a duck fan!"
He colors pictures (or parts of them-the duck parts) green and yellow and refers to them as such...
This reindeer happens to be wearing a 'Duck' tie.
Here is a 'Duck' nest, and another 'Duck' tie.
And here is a 'Duck' book, conveniently housing a 'Duck' giraffe (thank goodness Jer had to spell that for Lincoln, that could have been embarrassing).
And when we pulled up to the coffee shop yesterday and Alissa had on an Oregon sweatshirt he screamed from the back seat with his hands as emphasis 'Oooooooooooooo'. I think it's safe to say the kid loves his Ducks!
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