Tuesday, February 12, 2013

All By Themselves

We crossed some sort of responsibility milestone with Payden and Lincoln. They can now take care of their showering hygiene needs all on their own. But for Lincoln it was a little bit of a bumpy path. I'm pretty instant with them if they're wanting to try something new by themselves they need to be able to do it from start to finish without help. I stood there and walked them through which knob was hot and cold and all the basics of getting all you want out of your shower experience. About the 3rd time was Lincolns first time from start to finish by himself and by golly he is a verbal processor! He had this emotionally desperate monologue going on that I naturally started writing down. I hope your glad I did, the only thing that would make it better is if you could hear his voice change as he got it.

'I don't know what to do, the water is going on the supplies that you use when you take a shower!
This is too hard! I think this is just too hard! 
There's a lot of waiting!
I don't like waiting!
This is actually turning out a little better now, all I needed was a some patience!'

And after the shower he came in and triumphantly announced:
'That was quite the experience'


Carly Cross said...

Oh my goodness. I am so glad you document these absolute hysterical moments and share them with us!

April said...

That just made my morning. He needs his own show. LOVE your kids.
Congrats on half of your kids being self-bathers :-)

JER said...

I laughed out loud. I love that little mirror.