Saturday, October 29, 2011

Why don't I respond like that?

We were gone all day. From 8am to 8pm. After we got home I went upstairs and I smelled something...I had left my straightener ON! ALL DAY LONG! And the edge was sitting on a shirt!?! One of my favorite white shirts has now been burned, but the weird thing is that it was a small burn and the other weird thing is that we came home to a house at all! I still can't believe that nothing worse happened. Jer was standing there as I discovered the mystery and he just started saying in his sing songy voice he does sometimes when he's having a good time, 'praise God, praise God, praise God, thank  you for protecting us from that'. Seriously, why don't I respond like that? And why do I try and find reasons to explain away the provision? I'm sure that the little contraptions have been designed in some way that they wont literally catch something on fire, but maybe they still do. All I know is that I'm thankful for our house right now and that we're not dealing with insurance and destroyed possessions, and more than that I'm thankful to a God who has a plan and can work through my own short comings and, what I perceive, cares for the small things, and a husband who points me there!

1 comment:

April said...

sooo thankful you and your home were safe! I love the beauty of when God uses our husbands or our children to teach us how to be more like Him. You are blessed.