Friday, October 14, 2011


I confess that this has been sitting in this exact spot for at least 2 weeks...

I need to ask guests to come use my bathroom more, it gets sorely neglected when all the other bathrooms in the house get cleaned regularly. It's just that by the time I get to mine there is a huge list of things that take precidence, such as; picking up Payden and Lincoln from the bus stop, snacks, drinks, diaper changes, awake Hailey (need I say more). And this sits unused for far too long...not even put away, how embarrassing!

I confess that I've been listening to my Glee Christmas CD when I'm in the car by myself

I confess that tonight I called in Pizza Hut because I did not want to make dinner and quite frankly, it sounded delicious, I've been watching what I eat and pizza would not get out of my mind.

I confess to eating too much pizza

I confess to doing this to my nails instead of making dinner!

Pay no attention to the scraggles around the edges.

I confess that we let the kids stay up until 10 tonight for no reason, except that Payden and Lincoln took naps today and didn't wake up till nearly 5...Lincoln sighed at about 9:35 and said, 'this is such a special night'.

I confess that I put 3 things in the garbage outside the kitchen tonight and every time I came in I realized there was an empty milk carton waiting to be taken out...and it's still sitting on the counter.

I confess that we played I Spy tonight just because I wanted to play a game!

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