Monday, September 19, 2011

Birthday Celebration pt 1.

The Birthday Kids!
Since the kids are in afternoon Kindergarten I decided to make the morning a little special since they did add another year to their life! It started with pancakes for breakfast, P, L and 6 pancakes to be exact! And Jer had the genius idea to have them be dunkers so I didn't have to cut them up. 

What could it be?

A couple new games for our little game lovers :) Yeah they're definitely my kids!

Home from school with their birthday goodies

We ended up having a little family dinner where Grandma Tammi, Cody (for a little bit), my mom, dad, Grandma (who just moved here from Kentucky), and Markie came over for dinner and a few presents.
One of my favorite things was getting to eat our first big meal on our new table!!! It's the little things right?

Jer made Grandpa's delicious salmon!
And it was a huge hit!

I am absolutely loving that my Grandma is here for these celebrations...everything seems so right!

I loved this picture of every ones faces

Oh yeah

One happy girl!

And then the gift that was weird to wrap...

Yeah...we might potentially win America's Funniest Home Video's...I just have to keep the camera rolling.

Let the adventures begin!

Look at the joy on that face

So stinking happy!

They look so much alike right here!

My four adventure seekers!

And this picture gives me more grey hair every time I look at it...I can see them in high school all too easily!

Okay there may be more grey hair because of this picture! Such a happy little girl!

I caught him looking at himself in the mirror, talking to himself about how amazing his muscles are! He is seriously so funny!

If you haven't heard we threw a circus party on Sunday and I have yet to start working on that post so stay tuned...

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