Wednesday, October 10, 2012

What Do You Want To Be?

I realized with all the cute things on pinterest that help document first days of school, new years, fathers day's, birthdays, I don't remember ever asking my kids what they want to be when they grow up. That might just be my tired momma brain but today, I went ahead and asked them.
Hailey wants to be a person that finds out things about people me:"An investigator?" Yeah a, what you said, yes what you said.
Payden wants to be a teacher "oh a teacher that teaches dance and music and stuff"
Taylor wants to be a princess
Lincoln wants to be a movie maker. "And like do voices for characters in the movies"

I love these kids!

1 comment:

April said...

I'm pretty sure there will be some movie character BASED on Lincoln someday, he is one special kiddo.