Friday, July 27, 2012

Water Tornado

I'm in a bit of a predicament. My computer keeps telling me my disk space is critically low, and in turn wont let me upload any of my photo's. So the hold up is, I am waiting to get an external hard drive to store our memories on, and they're quite spendy, and we re budgeted so I need to save and wait out a good sale! In the mean time, my pictures are stuck on my camera and my phone, and let's face it, I love pictures and pictures are a big part of the stories. And now for a story without my own pictures.

So Lincoln has a new obsession. I realized it a few weeks ago, but his intensity is getting quite comical...when isn't it really? He's realized that when the water drains from the bathtub a tornado forms, and HE. MUST. WATCH. TORNADO! It's painful for him if I try and rush the evacuation of the bathtub, because he wants to watch with a front row seat till the water's gone. Last night I forced the issue and then had to just give up because he was rubbernecking like crazy while I tried to floss his teeth, and he didn't even realize it.

I'll just say it, there is something mesmerizing about the water tornado. I think it will just motivate me to do this little project with him soon!

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